Troubleshooting Your Keurig: Resolving 10 Common Issues with Ease
Although Keurigs have become more common and accessible nowadays, they have flaws. Occasionally, they may experience breakdowns, requiring troubleshooting to resolve the issues. Fortunately, a comprehensive Keurig troubleshooting guide has been compiled to assist you in avoiding future problems. Continue reading for solutions to common issues with your Keurig coffee maker.
1. Keurig Is Not Turning On
If your Keurig fails to power on when pressing the button, there are three possible reasons:
1. Incorrectly plugged machine: Ensure the machine is properly connected to the power source.
2. Malfunctioning power outlet: Test the outlet with another device to confirm functionality.
3. Failure to directly press the coffee machine's power button: Be certain to press the power button directly without unintentionally missing it.
To effectively resolve any power-related concerns with your Keurig, addressing these potential issues and troubleshooting accordingly is crucial.
To begin, check if the machine is properly plugged in. Ensure that it is securely connected to a power outlet. If it is plugged in correctly but fails to turn on, connect other appliances to the same outlet. The issue lies with the outlet if they also don't turn on.
To resolve this, plug your Keurig into a different power outlet. However, if your outlet is functioning properly and the machine is connected correctly, double-check that you are pressing the power button correctly. For Keurig 2.0s or Keurig Pluses, locate the power icon on the lower right corner of the LCD screen. Tap on it, and a welcome note should appear, indicating that the machine is powered on.
2. Keurig Is Not Brewing

The main causes of brewing issues with your Keurig are air bubbles and debris in the inner tubing. To address debris buildup, try running the machine without a K-cup. You can also effectively flush out the machine using a descaling solution, like a few drops of white vinegar mixed in water.
Afterward, thoroughly rinse the machine with clean water to remove any vinegar residue. Fill the machine's reservoir to the brim with water for air bubbles. Then, unplug the machine and gently shake it to dislodge the air bubbles, restoring your Keurig's proper functioning.
If your Keurig is still not working correctly, there may be misaligned parts. Take a moment to ensure that the handle, water tank, K-cup, cup holder, and lid are securely attached. Also, check if there is enough fresh water in the water tank.
3. Keurig Coffee Tastes Bad
If your coffee tastes unpleasant when brewed with your Keurig machine, there may be a few reasons:
1. It may have been a while since you last cleaned it.
2. You might be using tap water instead of filtered water.
3. The use of low-quality K-cups could also be a factor.
The simplest solution is to switch from tap water to filtered water. It helps prevent the accumulation of scale and coffee grounds, which can adversely affect the taste of your coffee. If you already use filtered water, you may want to consider trying a different K-cup pod.
Sometimes, using low-quality coffee can result in a burnt or excessively acidic flavor in your beverage. Another option is to run the descaling system on your Keurig machine. The specific descaling process may vary depending on your machine model, so it is advisable to consult the manual that came with your machine for the correct instructions.

In general, however, the descaling process involves the following steps:
1. Empty the water reservoir and drip tray.
2. Remove the filter and coffee pods.
3. Mix descaling solution and water in a 1:1 ratio and add it to the machine's tank.
4. Run a descaling cycle according to your model's instructions.
5. Run some cycles of water rinsing.
4. Keurig Doesn't Heat the Water
If your Keurig produces cold coffee instead of a hot cup, several underlying issues could be at play. Firstly, a malfunctioning heat system may result from a damaged water pump. Additionally, the accumulation of calcium and coffee grounds within your Keurig could be causing troublesome clogs. When the water pump malfunctions, it triggers the main heat system to shut down as a protective measure against overheating.
To address this issue, thoroughly cleaning your machine is highly recommended, paying close attention to the bottom of the tank, including the valve and the area where the tank is positioned. Another potential solution is to press and hold the brew button, as this can initiate a machine restart that might resolve the problem.
If neither of these solutions yields positive results, it is possible that your water pump has sustained damage. In such cases, it is advisable to contact Keurig support to obtain a replacement part.
5. Keurig Is Leaking

If your Keurig is leaking, it typically happens from the bottom or during heating. Let's first address leakage from the bottom. This issue has a few possible reasons:
1. The water reservoir may be damaged or overfilled.
2. The O-ring could be damaged.
3. The internal water tank may be damaged.
To resolve these problems, you will generally need to obtain a replacement part. However, you can also try to prevent overfilling the water reservoir and ensure that the water inside is cold. Now, let's discuss leaks during the heating process. The causes for these leaks are slightly different.
Here are some common reasons and their solutions:
1. Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum water line to prevent overfilling the water reservoir.
2. Use a water and vinegar solution to descale the coffee machine if it is clogged.
3. Tighten the upper gasket with a wrench or replace it if damaged.
4. Wipe the puncture needle to remove any coffee grounds or debris that may have accumulated.
6. Keurig Lights Are Blinking
Different Keurig models offer various solutions for addressing blinking lights on the coffee machine. For a Keurig Classic, you can attempt to resolve this issue by pressing the following buttons: Add Water, Medium Cup, and Heat. If the lights continue to blink, follow these steps: ensure the water reservoir is positioned correctly, and run a water-only brew of either 6 or 8 ounces to check if the machine dispenses the correct amount of water (this should stop the blinking lights).
If the problem persists, try changing and reinserting the charcoal filter, and running water to brew until the machine gives the appropriate amount of water. The procedure differs for a Keurig Platinum. For this model, turn off the machine, press and hold the auto-off button, and if applicable, press and hold the buttons for the two available size options or the medium and large size buttons for models that offer three size options.
Release all the buttons once the lights stop blinking and turn off. The brewer will start automatically or turn it on and begin brewing your coffee. If the Keurig lights continue to flash, it may be necessary to replace the charcoal filter. If you have already descaled your Keurig, but the descale light remains illuminated, resetting your machine might help resolve the issue.
7. Keurig Dispenses an Excessive or Inadequate Amount of Coffee

One common issue that Keurig machines often encounter is when they dispense either too much or too little coffee. If your Keurig dispenses excessively, you can try to clean the puncture needle using a clip made of paper. If this method doesn't solve the problem, follow the steps below:
1. Start by unplugging the machine.
2. Take out the water tank.
3. Take your machine to the sink.
4. Carefully move your brewer upside down.
5. Gently tap the machine's base several times with your palm to dislodge any debris.
6. Reassemble your Keurig.
7. Run a cleansing brew cycle using only water.
On the other hand, if your Keurig is dispensing too little coffee, it could be due to a clog. In such cases, cleaning the entrance and exit needles is recommended, and then running several water-only brew cycles to clear the clog. If the problem persists, you may need to descale the machine to remove any buildup in the water line.
8. Keurig coffee leaves residue in the cup
Occasionally, you may find coffee grounds left behind in your cup when using your Keurig coffee maker. There are a few potential reasons for this occurrence. Firstly, using distilled or softened water in your machine can lead to coffee grounds in your cup. To address this, consider switching to bottled water and running a few cycles with only water before inserting a new K-cup. Another possible cause could be a clogged exit needle. Ensure that you clean it thoroughly and run multiple brews with water only.
Using a reusable filter with an incorrect grind size can also result in this issue. It is crucial to consult the instruction manual and confirm which grind size suits your filter. In general, it is advisable to use coarsely ground coffee when utilizing reusable filters.
9. Keurig Shows "Add Water," But It's Full

Sometimes, your machine may ask you to add water even when the reservoir is full. It can happen due to different factors, such as an improperly positioned water reservoir, a clogged water filter, or a dirty machine. It's recommended to start with the simplest solution, which involves repositioning the water reservoir to ensure that its magnetic contacts align with those on your coffee maker. If repositioning doesn't solve the issue, you can proceed to clean both the filter and reservoir. To do this:
1. Use water that is warm with a few drops of dishwashing liquid to gently clean the filter.
2. Wipe the reservoir with a damp cloth.
3. Inspect the machine's filter to ensure it's clean and unclogged.
It may also be worth checking and cleaning the valve beneath the machine, as it can get obstructed too. Remember that a clogged valve can contribute to the problem. Lastly, don't forget the importance of cleaning the machine's exit needles. Following these steps, you can effectively address any issues related to your machine's water supply.
10 Keurig Keeps Turning Off
When your Keurig keeps turning off on its own, it can be frustrating and prevent you from enjoying your cup of joe. This issue is often caused by your specific Keurig model's auto-on/off or energy-saving features. For example, with the Keurig Mini, you may notice the machine turning off after 90 seconds.
However, if it shuts off immediately, there may be a different underlying problem. In such cases, it's important to check if the magnets on your water tank are properly aligned. Misalignment of these magnets can lead to unexpected shutdowns. You can disable the auto-off feature if you own a newer Keurig machine. It will prevent the machine from turning off before you've had a chance to brew your coffee.
When the feature is enabled, a green indicator light will be illuminated, indicating that the brewer will shut off after two hours. To disable it, simply press the Auto-off button to turn off the green indicator light.
Alternatively, you can disable this feature through the LCD menu for newer models. By pressing the left button multiple times until the display shows 'off,' you can easily turn off the auto-off feature. By addressing these issues and adjusting the settings accordingly, you can ensure a seamless brewing experience with your Keurig coffee maker.
How to Reset a Keurig Machine

Resetting your Keurig machine is a breeze with newer models. Simply navigate to the LCD menu and choose the factory reset option. However, the process is a bit different if you own one of the older or more affordable models like the K-Slim or K-Mini. In that case, follow these steps:
1. Turn off and unplug your Keurig machine and remove the water tank.
2. Leave it unplugged, ensuring the reservoir is not attached.
3. After a few minutes or even a couple of hours, plug your machine back in.
4. Switch on your Keurig coffee maker and reattach the water reservoir, ensuring proper positioning.
If the previous procedure doesn't yield results, try the following steps:
1. Disconnect and reconnect your machine.
2. Open and close the lid.
3. Press and hold the power button.
4. While holding the power button, simultaneously press the buttons for small, medium, and large cup sizes.
5. The machine will automatically pump to prime itself.
6. It should now be functioning correctly.
How to Contact Keurig Support
If you have tried all possible solutions to troubleshoot your Keurig and are still experiencing issues, it is time to contact Keurig customer service. You can contact a Keurig representative through live chat for immediate assistance. Alternatively, you can submit a detailed ticket on their website explaining your problems. Once they receive your ticket, a customer representative will promptly reach out to you via email.
Even when faced with challenges, you can utilize these invaluable tips to restore your machine's functionality. And if all else fails, take comfort in knowing that resetting your machine or reaching out to the dedicated Keurig customer support team for assistance is a breeze. Now, if your machine is running smoothly and you simply need a comprehensive guide to its operation, worry not, for they've got you covered. Dive into this all-encompassing guide that contains everything you need to know.
Frequently asked questions
What should I do if my Keurig won't turn on?
First, ensure the machine is properly plugged in and securely connected to a power source. After that, try disconnecting and reconnecting your machine. If all else fails, press and hold the power button while simultaneously pressing the buttons for small, medium, and large cup sizes - this should reset your machine. If it still doesn't turn on, contact Keurig customer service for further assistance.
How do I descale my Keurig?
Descaling is essential to any coffee machine's maintenance and will ensure your Keurig maintains its performance over time. To descale yours, follow the instructions from Keurig's official website. Generally, you must fill a reservoir with a descaling solution and let it run through the machine several times.
Is there an alternative way to contact Keurig customer support?
Yes! If you need help quickly, you can connect with a Keurig representative through live chat. Alternatively, you can also find help within the Keurig community forums, where several experienced users have likely already had and solved your problem. The helpfulness of the members in this forum is unparalleled.
How do I know when to replace my Keurig?
If you're experiencing issues that require frequent repairs or if you find yourself spending more time troubleshooting than enjoying your coffee, it may be time to invest in a new machine. Regular maintenance and cleaning of your Keurig also help ensure it lasts for years. If all else fails, contact customer service regarding replacement options.
How often should I clean my Keurig?
To keep your Keurig brewing delicious coffee, it's important to clean it regularly. Depending on your model, this may mean wiping down surfaces and descaling periodically. You should refer to the user manual for specific instructions regarding your machine. Additionally, always be sure to replace any filters or water reservoirs as necessary. It will ensure your Keurig continues running smoothly and efficiently.
What other things can I do to help my Keurig last longer?
Keeping up with regular maintenance, such as descaling and cleaning, is key for ensuring the longevity of your machine. Additionally, you should always use fresh coffee grounds to get the best-tasting brews. It's also important to be mindful of how much coffee you put into the filter, as overfilling can lead to clogging and other issues. Finally, always ensure your Keurig is plugged in properly, and turn it off when not used for long periods!
What if I find that the water reservoir isn't working?
If the water reservoir isn't working, it could be due to several things. Ensure all connections are secure and check for any obstructions in the line leading from the reservoir to the machine. If this doesn't solve the issue, you may need to replace the water reservoir. Also, always use filtered water when filling your reservoir for better-tasting brews.
Check out Shine Kitchen Co.® Autopour Automatic Pour Over Coffee Machine.
Drop a Comment
My Keurig coffee maker . When I make a cup coffee when finishing it back washes and grounds come out and grounds are in coffee. I got this for gift at Christmas and started using about a month ago. How can this be fixed. My other Keurig did not do this and had it for years.
I bought one 12 of 2024 now March 4 2025 quit working not Happy?
Mi máquina de café cuando le preciono el botón para que eche café luego se apaga
I received my Keurig duo system as a gift around October 2024. Now, the power will not come on for either cups or ounces. It stopped working while trying to brew 8 cups. It stopped below 4 cups.
I have a combination 12 cup and single cup keurig.
The 12 cup pot side Is not working properly. It overflows and sends coffee grounds everywhere. I have cleaned it many times, tried all the troubleshooting methods I can find and it still doesn’t work properly, the single serving side works great. Any suggestions as my machine is less than 2 years old
I got my keurig coffee pot asa gift at Christmas time really like but now it doesn’t work seems like no power, any suggestions
Shirley. Phone #218 536 1673
My new Keurig mini stopped working after making only 4 to 5 cups of coffee.
I put the water in, turn the power on,
Lift up the handle and put in a k-cup.
Then I hit the brew button. After about 2 seconds or so it kinda sputters and then shuts off. Totally frustrated.
My Keurig mini suddenly would not start to pump water. Lights would go on but when I pushed the button for the size cup I wanted, it would light for a couple of seconds, and then shut off. I read somewhere that this could be from air in the lines. It said to hit the sides of the coffee maker. This seems silly but since I had nothing to lose, I tried it. To my amazement it worked. I think of those times when people would hit their TV set and make it work. Turns out my Keurig is like that too.
My Kerrigan keeps shutting off . I chose the cup size. I’m desperate. What can I do.
I have done all the trouble shooting and it still won’t work. Also how am I supposed to descale it when the water won’t run through it. I just bought this a few months ago and have had nothing but problems. I don’t use tap water in it I use spring water. WTF!! Your products are expensive and always need replacing. Not happy at all
I have a single cup maker and the coffee is not hot
I’ve had to replace my Keurig 4 times. Your products are awful 😞… I love the coffee when it works but they are too expensive to keep replacing. NEVER AGAIN
I bought my single serve Keurig from Amazon a few days ago and followed instructions. I noticed that instead of the approx 2 min heat up time before the coffee drip started, mine starts immediately. I didn’t think much of it at first as my coffee is hot, but as I am researching, this is not expected behavior. I do not want to keep using it if this may be a precursor indicating that I will need to replace it sooner than I should need to. Please provide advice
I have a Keurig Mini and I maintain cleaning properly.
Now , I tried everything in the guide because its now not working at all . No lights.No pumping water or any fonction at all.
I had this Mini Keurig machine at Christmas and we are January 26 th and it already doesnt work .
Is it the model malfunction, or defect ?
Newer machine shows no power at all,completely dead.tried in known good power outlets,
Had my Keurig for a year and it stopped working, no power!
The thing that I set the K Cup in – I have to take it out and clean it. When I go to put it back in now, it won’t click in like it used to. Dosen’t look like anything is broke. Not sure why it won’t clink into place like it used to??
My machine was making wonderful coffee using the my k cup method. It needed descaling but I didn’t do it right so payed more attention to method and was successful. Looking forward to the same great cup of coffee I was so disappointed when the coffee came dribbling out of everywhere and not the one strong stream it did before. I have watched many Keurig videos on various subjects and have cleaned the needle searched for the overflow tray on my Keurig K Supreme machine and can’t find it. My machine was a gift from two years ago so the warranty has run out however, we didn’t begin using it until this past summer of 2024 because our old Keurig was still working fine. Short of taking it apart I don’t know what else to try to get that steady stream of good coffee back. I have cleaned everything and unplugged it and waited and plugged it back again and still it doesn’t pump the coffee properly. Can you please advise me on what to do. I don’t want to have to throw it away when it has only been used such a short time.
I bough my Kerrigan last year. I had hope it would be hotter than my previous maker. The temp was still not high enough for my coffee. Now it will not brew enough per selection. When I select 6 cup it barely fills my coffee cup before it turns off. I cleaned this a month ago but it didn’t help. What else can I do?
I was to be gone 3 weeks. I unplugged my Keureg and emptied tge water reservoir. When I returned home, I filled the reservoir and plugged it in. Nothing happened. No power came on. Help!
My Keurig machine turns lights on all buttons but does not dispense coffee or hot water.
This is my third My Keuric machiine in less than one month it seems like they are worthless, not cheap either, what’s your suggestion?
I have had the machine under a year and it just stopped working. It’s like there is no power. Very frustrating.
My Keurig is old, I have had it over 8-9 years. I have noticed the coffee is very weak in flavor lately. I cleaned, used white vinegar etc. I checked the grounds after brewing, i am not sure if they should be saturated (wet) since i have never had a reason to check before. The grounds inside the pod dont seem to be real wet. Let me know if there is anything I can do.. I miss my coffee!
My Keurig is about a year old, it said descale cleaning needed. We purchased a descale kit from Walmart that contained two pods and a pouch of cleaning solution. I completed the cleaning steps as instructed, let the machine sit, then tried turning it on and it will not come back on. I’ve tried pressing 10 and 8 oz simultaneously, I’ve tried making sure the parts that pierce the pods aren’t clogged, tried a different outlet and nothing. It says clean, we do, and nothing? Is this how things work to get us to need to buy a new machine? Thank you, my mother in law lives here and as she gets to the end of her life her coffee fixes are what she loves most.
cannotremove descate lite did the steps to remove it