Costumes, Coffee, & Candy- Serving Up Kindness Within Our Community This Halloween
Belief is something you can see, through action. In other words, what you do showcases what you believe.
At Lifeboost, I guess you could say our beliefs are best seen in our four pillars: clean, cause, connection, and kindness.
And this year, a Trunk or Treat event in Decatur Township afforded us the opportunity to put into action each of those core beliefs in a creative, fun, and spooky way.
Yes, even Halloween can be a time to give back.
I mean, we often think of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays as times to reach out, reflect, and be joyful, but when you break down the events most of us enjoy at Halloween, I think you’ll find just as much fun, joy, and happiness amidst what many like to refer to as just a bunch of hocus pocus.
Decatur Township Trunk or Treat 2022
This year on Halloween in Decatur Township, we were privileged to participate in a fun event that allowed us to give back to our community, sharing coffee, candy, and smiles: an evening which likely brought just as much joy to us as it did to those we sought to bless.
Some folks like to focus on the spooks and scares of this holiday, but you don’t have to look very hard to find that this day is filled with a lot of laughter and smiles from both children and adults.
At least that’s what we observed this Halloween through the lens of our 4 pillars:

So, for this Trunk or Treat event we were able to donate candy for the kids and 60 boxes of coffee pods, 25 bags of coffee, as well as several coffee coupons for the adults.
You know, some clean, healthy coffee for the grown-ups, and a bit of indulgence for the kids.
And, I suppose some of those treats were for the adults too, those who raided their kids' candy bags after bedtime, that is. ;)

But, we also believe it’s important to support our local communities here at home.
Yes, even something as simple as a trunk-or-treat night blesses us with the opportunity to get to know the people in our community, give back to its residents, and share some smiles with those we encounter.
In fact, we’d like to challenge each and every one of our customers to get involved in your own communities, seeking to lend a helping hand or give back when and how you’re able.
We promise, you’ll never regret it; you might even find you’ll receive a bigger blessing than you intended to give.

So, while we support our communities by giving back, here shown through giving out coffee and candy, the opportunities for connection are truly the greatest treats given and received.

And, as you’ll see from the pictures of this event, such kindness is contagious.
As you can imagine, amidst the costumes, coffee, and candy, a common facial expression worn throughout the evening was a smile, perhaps the greatest costume accessory of all.
So, while the broad notion of giving back to your community can be considered an act of kindness, truly this is greater seen in the actual interaction afforded at such events.
- Happily commenting on a child’s costume evokes a twinkle in the eye and a dimple in the cheek. (And, it even boosts self esteem and develops positive emotions and feelings for children.)
- Positively conversing with the adults manning the booths or tables nearby creates connection.
- Simply laughing, smiling, and having fun with coworkers while planning, setting up, and carrying out such a creative evening displays a visible kindness that easily rubs off on others.
So, trick-or-treating clearly isn’t just an event for children - there’s fun, connection, a sense of community, and kindness to be had and shared by all, and when there’s coffee and candy involved, such a fringe benefit just makes life that much sweeter…even on Halloween.