Connection, Community, Coffee, And IFD Station #16
Without connection, there’s no community. And, without community, there’s no connection.
Most of us think of community in terms of location, referring to a group of folks living in close proximity, such as those in a neighborhood or town.
But, community is also defined as “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”
Connection, then, is defined as “a relationship in which a person…is linked or associated with something else.”
Can you see the similarities between these concepts?
When we find commonalities amongst our friends and neighbors, when we come together surrounding a common goal, this is where connection begins and communities both form and thrive!
In today’s world, most of us are busy with hectic schedules and long to-do lists; many of us even work from home. And, while these things may be necessary, they can also isolate us, keeping us from the vital human need of connection, which ultimately diminishes the good we can do as a community.
How do we combat this?
Simple…we search for ways to come alongside those in our community to encourage, offer aid, and support one another.
This type of engagement and connection, truly, is where communities shine!
Whether it’s through volunteering, collaborating on projects, education, donations, etc., coming together and giving back to your community makes such an incredibly positive impact on our world!
So today, we’d like to take a look at a recent opportunity we had to give back and connect within our own community, in hopes that we’ll inspire and challenge you to do the same.
Let’s Hear It For Indianapolis Fire Station #19

Many of us are fans of superheroes, of those who show strength and courage in the face of danger to save lives, communities, even the world.
We watch movies and television shows or read books showcasing such heroic efforts from fictitious characters, and these are certainly fun and entertaining, but how often do we fail to realize that each of us are privileged to live in a community, town, or city with ‘real-life’ heroes?
Fire fighters, emergency medical service personnel, police officers, nurses, doctors, and more…these folks save lives, provide aid, and care for those in need within every single community across our great nation each and every day, services that often go unnoticed until we personally find ourselves in need of their aid and support.
These community heroes not only serve us and keep us safe, they also commonly organize efforts to support those members in their community who might need to “get by with a little help from their friends.”
For instance, first responders commonly organize clothing, food, and toy donations for those in need within their given community.
Many donate their time to schools, educating future generations of proper safety procedures and precautions as well as offering a glimpse into the vital work they do.
They also provide preventative health and safety education to other community members, on top of the active work they do in responding to calls of distress and danger.
For all of these efforts and more, we believe our heroic first responders are worthy of support!
And, within our own local community, we’ve been privileged to connect with and show our support to Indianapolis Fire Station 16.

Their motto says it all: “our family, serving your family.”
So, in honor and support of their family-like service to our community, we were able to connect with Station 16…through coffee!
IFD Station 16 has 16 engines, 16 tankers, and they serve more than 22,000 people across nearly 21 square miles.
This station was constructed to replace two obsolete stations, now serving the community with the most up-to-date technology and services.
At Station 16, they uphold what they call “IDEAL” values, emphasizing Integrity, Diversity, Excellence, Accountability, and Leadership.
We count it a real blessing to have been able to drop in on Lieutenant Joe Baumann, along with a few other firefighters and paramedics, to donate some of their favorite Lifeboost coffee which fuels the incredible work and service IFD Station 16 does within our community.
Coffee is often a common ground (pun intended) that’s easily found in any community. I mean, so many of us not only love coffee, but we rely on it to fuel our productive days.
As we believe in, and are grateful for, the incredibly valuable work of our first responders, we are happy to provide them with healthy, clean, coffee to fuel and support the work they do.
We snapped a few quick photos while getting to know the crew here, and when I say quick, I’m not exaggerating…
Taylor, our Operations Assistant, is such an asset when it comes to connecting with our community members, and she explained that during her visit, the firefighters at Station 19 had just returned from a call, happily received their favorite coffee, and then were immediately called back out for another emergency.
What an accurate picture of the life of a first responder - continually putting their lives on the line for those in need.
This thought alone moves me!
I may not be a firefighter. You may not be a first responder. But, together we can support those within our community that, in turn, support each citizen through heroic service.
Of course, coffee is our passion, so we show our support and appreciation through brewtiful donations, but what about you?
How can you give back to your community?
Connection, Community, And YOU

Connection is the heart of what makes any community special.
Connecting is said to be hard-wired into human nature, so much so that it even influences our health and well-being.
Generally, we isolate this to social contact, and while this is involved in connection, I believe there’s more to this than meets the eye.
You see, looking at the example above, as a company we seek to give back and connect with emergency personnel in our community by donating coffee. But, it’s so much more than that.
These donations allow us to meet and get to know those serving our community.
And, these acts allow us to express our gratitude for their service.
But, giving back doesn’t just throw a simple “thank you” to the wind.
Instead, such acts can serve to encourage, uplift, and fulfill a want or need for these vital members of our town/city.
In the workplace, experts have proven that “a connected workforce is a stronger one,” but this can be seen in so many other areas of life as well.
When we give back to our communities, we connect. And when we connect, we serve well, lead well, and ultimately are (as in any workplace) stronger because of it!
So then, how can you get involved, connect, and give back in your community?
Giving back can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start.
To simplify this, plan to look for causes which align with your personal values and passions or simply seek to address any concerns or needs specific to your local community.
Then, contemplate ways you can donate.
We commonly think of donation as a monetary thing, but donations can include food, clothing, toys, and other items of need.
Then, donations also include volunteering your time, talents, or service.
At the end of the day, when it comes to giving back, you’re simply looking for ways to support and connect within your community, such as…
- Volunteering at a local food bank or soup kitchen
- Donating canned goods, coffee, or clothing to a local shelter
- Stopping by to deliver a few cards and a heartfelt thank you to emergency personnel or making a monetary donation to such services
- Supporting children in your community by volunteering to tutor or read to students
- Organizing a community park, or neighborhood, clean up
- Supporting new, small, local businesses
- Creating a community book exchange
Don’t think some of these things can make a positive impact?
Consider something as simple as that last example, a community book exchange…

My neighbor recently started a “little library,” placing a receptacle at the end of her driveway where folks can donate books or take them home to read and then bring back for others to enjoy.
She made members of our community (within our subdivision) aware of these efforts, and this one simple act has provided a means of connection within our neighborhood.
Since she started it, our neighbors are taking their kids for walks, getting outside for movement and enjoyment.
Moms are stopping to chat with one another on their book treks with their little ones.
And, oh how I wish you could see the smiles on the faces of the children as they bring back one book and excitedly select another!
These efforts may seem simple, but they are making a difference in the lives of the children in our small neighborhood and community.
Sure, this example may seem entirely opposite of our donation of coffee to Station 19, but in the end, they aren’t so different.
My neighbor has a love for children and a desire to see other parents in our little neighborhood connect with others, and this little library is a way to positively impact our community based on her passions.
Here at Lifeboost we believe in supporting our community heroes, and we’re honored to provide even a small token of gratitude and encouragement by donating coffee to the firefighters and paramedics in our town.
No matter the manner of support, when you give back to your community, you are making a difference!
When we support children, teachers, doctors and nurses, local emergency personnel, etc. the goal is truly the same - offering encouragement and support…creating connection and causing our communities to thrive!