Better than Instant Coffee
Have you ever heard your parents or grandparents tell of how things were in years past?
The pace of life was slower, things weren’t as busy and hectic. In fact, the world seemed to stand still for weekend afternoons spent on the front porch enjoying time spent with family or in solitude.
No rushing to get to this place or that, no unreasonably packed schedules, deadlines, or must-do’s..
But, life today isn’t always that simple.
And, while slowing down truly is needed, that doesn’t negate the demand for convenience in a world that’s so very busy.
Sadly though, in order to achieve convenience, sacrifices must be made.
And, just what are we willing to sacrifice to achieve it? Generally speaking, the first thing to go in the name of ease or instant gratification is health.
Take one look down a busy street and you’ll see countless fast food drive-thru lanes filled in the name of convenience.
Microwave meals were invented in the name of...you guessed it, convenience.
And, what about a simple morning (or afternoon) cup of coffee?

The ever-popular cup of joe demanded instant satisfaction and thus these tiny granules have dawned grocery shelves since the early 20th century.
So then, what’s the difference between soluble coffee and freshly ground beans that have been brewed into a fresh, piping hot cup?
What corners have been cut in the name of instant gratification to yield instant coffee?
Is it worth it? Is it better than coffee? Is it really even coffee?
And, if the answer to those 3 questions is “no,” then, is there a viable, and healthy, solution to the need for coffee and convenience?
Let’s find out…
The 411 On Instant Coffee
To understand instant coffee, we first need to know exactly what it is.
Instant coffee is thought to have first originated in Britain in the late 1700’s. And, from there an American version was born in the mid 1800’s and first used experimentally during the Civil War for American soldiers.
This soluble coffee is generally made by incorporating one of the two following methods: freeze drying and spray drying.
Freeze Drying
To make instant coffee through the freeze drying method, a coffee extract is frozen and then liquid is made from this frozen coffee by a process called chemical sublimation.
Here, the frozen coffee is forced to vaporize without becoming a liquid. When this happens, a fine powdery substance is left behind which can later be reconstituted in water.
Spray Drying
Instant coffee is also made through a method known as spray drying, where a liquid coffee extract is sprayed in a very fine mist through extremely hot and dry air.
Through this hot and dry air, the coffee droplets dry into either a powder or fine pieces of coffee which can later be added to water to recreate the beverage.
Not too bad at this point, right?
If instant coffee is made from coffee, there can’t be too much detriment to the wonder that is java.
The thing is, it’s these methods that make this convenient, and often inexpensive, coffee product into something that can sully the good name of what we like to think of as a magic bean.
Most of you know that coffee possesses some potent health benefits:
- improves metabolism
- boosts energy levels
- fights and reduces the risk of many diseases
- combats oxidative stress
- boosts cognitive function
And, while some have concluded that instant coffee may possess these same boosts to your body, this convenient coffee concoction can potentially result in a less healthy beverage.
Instant Coffee Woes
While instant coffee can still provide benefits to your health if it comes from a clean source (single origin, organic, mountain and shade grown, properly washed and dried, free of molds and toxins, and properly roasted), there are still some all-around, less than healthy aspects to the product.
Less Caffeine
Instant coffee naturally contains less caffeine. And, while those who are looking to lessen their caffeine intake may applaud this byproduct, the caffeine content of coffee is actually responsible for many of this tasty beverage’s benefits.
In particular, the caffeine in coffee helps you:
- fight fatigue
- boost energy levels
- improve memory
- boost mood
- improve reaction times
- improve overall mental function
When coffee beans are roasted, a chemical known as acrylamide is formed.
And, while low levels of acrylamide are not thought to be detrimental to one’s health, instant coffee contains 100% more acrylamide than fresh roasted coffee.
Acrylamide is associated with creating problems or damage to the nervous system and is known to increase the risk of cancer.
Oftentimes instant coffee must be supplemented to achieve the same flavor and aroma as freshly brewed coffee to make it more appealing to consumers.
So, is instant coffee really even coffee?
Technically, yes. Though a completely different experience than freshly grinding coffee beans and brewing them for specific quality, aroma, and flavor, instant coffee is derived from actual coffee.
Is instant coffee “worth it?”
While it can be convenient, we certainly turn our noses to the lesser amounts of beneficial caffeine and the greater amounts of health destroying acrylamide and additives. So, we’d answer with a solid “no” here.
Is it better than freshly brewed coffee?
The survey results are divided here. About half of coffee drinkers choose convenience and go with instant, but those who stick with freshly brewed do so with fullness of flavor in mind.
So then, we must ask, is there a way to achieve convenience without sacrificing caffeine, flavor, and health? Thankfully, the answer here is YES! There is a healthy alternative to instant coffee: steeped coffee!
The Go Bag Solution
At Lifeboost, we’ll never sacrifice your health to bring you an excellent cup of coffee. So, to offer healthy coffee and convenience, we’ve introduced Lifeboost Go Bags.
Go Bags coffee is convenient without sacrificing flavor, caffeine, or health.
Essentially, it’s like preparing a cup of tea using a tea bag, but with coffee that is good for you, in packaging that won’t harm the environment, in an easy, portable, versatile, and convenient method.
How do we do this?
First, our quality, specialty Lifeboost coffee is ground and placed in a full immersion, biodegradable, non-GMO woven filter bag.
Then, to immediately stop the coffee’s aging process, ensuring a truly fresh cup, each filter bag is individually nitro sealed into a compostable package to maintain freshness.
So, exactly how can you enjoy a delicious cup of coffee using a coffee bag?
- Simply open an individually packaged Lifeboost Go steeped coffee bag and place it in your favorite mug.
- Pour hot water into your mug over the bag and dunk the bag (just like a tea bag) for 15 seconds.
- Allow the bag to steep for 5 minutes, and then enjoy a truly delicious and healthy cup of coffee!
But, where can you use these Go Bags?
Just about anywhere!
In a pinch and rushed for time at home...use Lifeboost Go Bags.
Camping with friends or family...use Lifeboost Go Bags.
Away on business or vacation and staying in a hotel or air bnb...use Lifeboost Go Bags.
Need an excellent, healthy cup of coffee at work...use Lifeboost Go Bags.
If you’ve got hot water and a mug, you can use a Lifeboost Go Bags to enjoy delicious, healthy, high quality specialty coffee that is...
- single origin
- mountain grown
- shade grown
- hand selected
- spring water washed
- sun dried
- mycotoxin free
- perfectly roasted
...anytime and (almost) any place!
Check out Lifeboost Coffee Go Bags.
- https://www.thekitchn.com/food-science-how-is-instant-co-69158
- http://www.historyofcoffee.net/coffee-history/instant-coffee-history/
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/instant-coffee-good-or-bad#TOC_TITLE_HDR_1
- https://perfectdailygrind.com/2018/01/coffee-wars-should-you-drink-instant-or-whole-bean/
- https://www.mashed.com/218519/the-real-reason-you-shouldnt-drink-instant-coffee/
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/acrylamide-in-coffee
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/food-science/instant-coffee
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-13-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-coffee#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2
- https://www.ecowatch.com/is-the-chemical-acrylamide-in-coffee-harmful-to-your-health-1882170077.html#