4 Simple Fixes for a Keurig Not Pumping Water
You shouldn't become frightened if your Keurig coffee maker stops pumping water at some point. The problem is typically simple to fix. The most frequent causes of your Keurig not pumping water, along with step-by-step instructions for fixing each one, are listed below to help you fix this issue.
After determining the issue, you can try several fixes to get your Keurig working properly again. As an illustration, using a water-and-vinegar solution can easily clean the water reservoir if it is dirty or clogged. You might need to get a new pump if the one you have isn't working properly.
Taking a Look at Why Keurig is Not Pumping Water
There could be a number of different problems with your coffee maker if you discover that your Keurig is making noise but not pumping water. To ensure the proper course of action is taken to resolve the issue, it is crucial to identify the problem's cause.
Clogged Filter and Water Line

Both tap and bottled water include several minerals, including calcium and magnesium. But with time, these minerals may build up in your coffee maker and cause the development of limescale, a hard, chalky substance. The water departs the reservoir and enters the water line through a fine mesh screen filter, which is how Keurig machines address this problem. In order to purify the water as it passes through the machine, the filter is used.
The filter, however, can become clogged with debris after repeated use of the device, rendering it useless. There are several steps you can take to solve the problem in such circumstances. The filter can be taken out and washed under running water as one option. As an alternative, you can dissolve the accumulation of minerals and debris by soaking the filter in a solution of water and vinegar for a short period of time.
To clean a clogged filter on your Keurig machine, follow these steps:
- Remove the water tank from the machine and unplug it from the wall.
- The three screws holding the filter in place can be removed using a long magnetic screwdriver.
- For about 45 minutes, soak the filter in vinegar or soapy water.
- If soaking alone is insufficient to get rid of all the debris, force a stream of water through the screen with a toothbrush or a Waterpik oral irrigator to flush out any remaining limescale.
- To ensure that the entire filter is clear, thoroughly rinse it with fresh water.
- Reassemble the filter and secure it with a screw in its original location.
- Reconnect the machine to the wall and reinstall the water tank.
There might be a quicker fix available if you've recently cleaned and descaled your Keurig machine but the water flow problem persists through the following actions:
- Place a baster pipette where the water tank meets the water line.
- Push the limescale through the pipette by forcing water through it several times; you should notice the water turning murky.
When removing minor debris buildup, this method is frequently effective.
Presence of Air in the Water Lines

Use these steps to solve the issue if trapped air in the water lines is the cause of problems with your Keurig machine's water flow:
- Take the Keurig coffee maker out of the wall outlet.
- Take out the drip tray and water tank.
- Grab the coffee maker firmly with both hands and shake it slightly to let the water lines' trapped air out.
This approach might seem strange, but the shaking motion can remove any air that has built up in the water lines and restore proper water flow.
Try one of the following solutions if air bubbles in the water are causing problems with water flow in your Keurig machine:
Method 1: Shaking and turning the machine upside down can help release air bubbles that have been trapped inside.
Method 2:
- Open the water tank's lid.
- With your finger, draw the water line closed.
- Make sure there is no Keurig K Cup inside the K Cup holder.
- With your finger still on the water line, lower the handle and start a brew cycle using only water.
By doing this, the water will be compelled to flow through the line and force the air bubbles to escape.
No matter which technique you use, make sure there is no hot water left in the machine. Before making any repairs, unplug the coffee maker for added security.
Busted Keurig Water Pump

It's possible that the water pump has been damaged if your Keurig coffee maker isn't pumping water. Replacement of the motor or of the entire device is the only option in this situation. Consider carefully reviewing the manufacturer's instructions or enlisting the help of a qualified technician to make sure you buy the right part for your Keurig model.
“More Water Please” Error
There are two possibilities for why your Keurig coffee maker would display an error message. The water you're using is a possible first cause. Especially distilled water can affect how Keurig brewers perform.
There are two possible reasons for your Keurig to show a water tank error. First off, your Keurig coffee maker may not work with the water you are using since it might be sensitive to the kind of water used, especially distilled water. Second, it's conceivable that your water tank is transmitting false signals. Fortunately, by doing the following actions, you may quickly remedy this mistake:
- Take the water tank out of its place and empty any remaining water into the sink. Fill the tank up to the recommended level line.
- Restart the machine and try again. Continue to the following steps if it still doesn't work.
- Empty the water out of the water tank.
- With a soft cloth, scrub the water tank's interior.
- Place the water tank back in its designated location after filling it with clean water.
You should be able to brew coffee as you like after taking these actions to fix the problem.
Keurig Still Not Pumping Water?

You may need to get in touch with Keurig customer service if you have tried all the suggested fixes and your coffee maker is still not dispensing water. Their support staff can give you additional direction and walk you through more troubleshooting steps. If the coffee maker is covered by a warranty, they might also let you know if it can be fixed or replaced. Your next course of action in resolving the problem with your Keurig coffee maker should be to call customer service.
We have gathered some answers to frequently asked questions about Keurig troubleshooting that you might find useful if you still have any unanswered questions.
How do I reset my Keurig?
Once you've descaled your Keurig, do the following:
- Remove the machine's plug from the wall socket.
- Take out the coffee maker's water tank.
- Give the machine at least an hour to rest.
- Reconnect the water tank to the Keurig when the hour is up.
- Reconnect the coffee maker to the wall socket.
Should I use Vinegar through my Keurig to descale it?
Although there is a specific Keurig descaling solution available, you can undoubtedly use vinegar to descale your Keurig coffee maker. The recommended proportion of vinegar to water is 1:1. Pour the mixture directly into the water reservoir, followed by a few water-only brew cycles (without coffee grounds) to start the descaling process.
What does it mean to prime a Keurig?
The prime error message on your Keurig coffee maker means that water is not flowing properly from the water reservoir, which prevents the machine from brewing. Fortunately, one of the problems listed above is usually what causes the main message.
Why does my Keurig need to be descaled?
Over time, mineral deposits can build up in the water lines of your Keurig, which can cause it to stop pumping water. Descaling involves running a solution of white vinegar and water through the machine to dissolve these deposits and restore proper water flow.
Can I use something other than vinegar to descale my Keurig?
Yes, there are commercial descaling solutions available that are specifically designed for use with Keurig machines. However, white vinegar is a readily available and inexpensive alternative that works just as well.
How often should I descale my Keurig?
The manufacturer recommends descaling your machine every three to six months, depending on usage. However, if you notice a decrease in water flow or unusual noises, you may need to descale more frequently.
What if none of these fixes work?
If you've tried all of these fixes and your Keurig still isn't pumping water, it may be time to contact Keurig customer service or consider purchasing a new machine.
How do I know if my Keurig needs to be descaled?
Scaling or mineral buildup is probably the cause of your Keurig's failure to pump water or only partially brew. Additional indicators that your Keurig needs descaling are:
- A longer brewing time.
- A drop in water temperature.
- A reduction in the amount of coffee that is brewed.
Every three to six months, descale your Keurig to avoid these problems.
Wrapping Up
If the water pump in your Keurig coffee maker is not working, there is probably a blockage in the water line. Usually, air bubbles in the water line or mineral buildup on the water filter are to blame for this. There are occasions when the problem is mechanical, in which case replacing the damaged component or the entire machine is the only option.
Check out Lifeboost Coffee Automatic Pour Over Coffee Machine.
Drop a Comment
K express essentials worked about a month and died 😡
So disappointed with my Keurig machine and makers. I’ve looked up and tried suggested ideas
and nothing.. feeling real skeptical about investing in another Keurig machine. Even though I love the convenience of the machine it’s been difficult to finding the one 800 number or helpline that really helps
My Keurig will not brew a pot or single cup of coffee. Tried the vinegar treatment. Where is its filter located I have it all apart. A small amount of water does come out but the no water light stays on. Can you help I like the product thank you.
I have a K-Duo Plus and after 3 months of brewing it stopped brewing? I descaled it after 2 months of use. I always use filtered water. This makes no sense to me? What can I do to figure this out? The machine quits after warming and wouldn’t even star a brewing cycle?
Any suggestions or a tutorial you could send me to help my dilemma would be much appreciated.
My Keurig K-Duo will brew a pot of coffee but not the single cup. I have descaled it, however very little water is coming out. I took it apart to see if any of the lines were clogged… doesn’t look it. I tried to remove the top of the single serve buy cannot. I’m wondering if the hose in there is clogged or the filter before it comes out. Can you show me how to remove the top of the single serve side?
Found problem after a couple of hour of work – mostly in trying to dislodge the casing. it’s the little silver rectangle on top right hand portion with one small plastic tube on one side an 3 openings on other side: used a paper clip to remove lodged coffee – suspect it’s the component for air required to push the water through the tubes. Works like a charm now!
This article is the best one I have found about troubleshooting a Keurig that is not pumping water. My old Keurig clogged and remained clogged after descaling. I had to remove the cover and clean the clogged filter, but I didn’t have to buy a new machine. Thank you for the great tutorial!
Thanks for the info. My Kuerig thinks it is out of water but it is still 1/4 full.
It is trying to pull the water to brew but the water will not drip to brew
What can I do
On my one cup Keurig, the water is not pumping. It sounds like it wants to, but does not.
The 3 screws holding intake aren’t magnetic. Cleaned it as shown in video now trying to reseat it.
If it won’t draw water how can I descale?
Put vinegar and water in tank it won’t brew through an 5100 3100 1039378 serial number
Awesome. Found the problem . It’s my wife. I use the store bought pods, she uses the refills. Problem is, she fills it right to the top and plugged the top pin . I got out the paper clip , cleaned out the pin and now it works like new now . Thanks for the help.
This article fixed my problem!!
Keurig Dual Coffee Maker:
problem started when I used a Perfect Pod K-Cup with paper filter. Too much back pressure caused the coffee grounds back into the system which resulted in a clogged head needle and air in the lines.
A paper clip to clean the head needle, a baster to clean the tank valve and shaking and turning the whole unit upside down to clear air bubbles did the trick. Now you can run a 50/50 mix of water/vinegar through to clean the internal components.
For reusable K-cup I use the Perfect Pod with mesh sides. Caution – don’t fill coffee grinds above the tops of the mesh or it will penetrate the head needle and cause a blockage! Good Luck
Thanks I burped it like a baby and now it works. (it was brand new)
I received a single serve Kerurig coffee maker from a relative as a gift late last year. I had house guest this past week that wanted to bring me breakfast in bed with coffee to make it complete. My guest didn’t know how to use the Kerrigan coffee machine and has caused it to not work at all. I am highly disappointed because I have recently purchased several k-pods and can’t use them. Can this machine be repaired or can I get a replacement for free.
My Keurig is clean. The machine is set up for brewing. When I turn it on, it isn’t pumping the water.
I’ve tried all settings.
Pump not working. We only use bottled water in our machine. What could be the issue?
I descaled my Keurig Dou, and after it would not duck water anymore. I tried and tried I finally gave up for a couple days and then read an article that said to wash the bottom of the tank with a rag. The inside clean it. Guess what, I have my Keurig back
We are on our second Keurig K-Duo Essentials coffee maker in a year. This morning we fixed a pot of coffee in the beaker,12 cups, then I fixed a single serve. All went well, then I tried to run a vinegar solution thru to clean, only ran 2 to 3 ounces into the beaker then went to done and left the burner on. since then i have tried several times to run thru to the beaker, again only an ounce or two goes thru. When trying the single serve the water flows the amount requested.
Any comments or suggestions?
My Keurig in only 2 years old, and it only pumps out about 2 ounces of water at a time! I’ve descaled it a few times to see if that worked, but it hasn’t. The water comes out fine as I’m descaling, just not when I’m trying to make a cup of coffee. Do you have any suggestions of what the problem could be? The model number is K910
How can I descale my machine if the water is not coming through? it heats up fine but still won’t release the water when trying to make coffee. I did work at one time but all of a sudden it won’t now. Please explain how to descale if unable to get water through.
Tried resetting still won’t dispense water?
Descaled keurig and now water not coming out to make cup of coffee