Keurig troubleshooting
About the Keurig Coffee maker
The Keurig Coffee maker is one of the most popular coffee makers for a single cup brew. It operates similarly to the Nespresso Coffee maker. When something goes wrong use this Keurig troubleshooting guide before you rush to the technician.
The coffee pods that it uses are called K-cups. When you start a brew, you must place a k-cup in the holder. When the process starts, a set of needles breaks the seal on the K-cup. The water streams through the k-cup, extracting every ounce of flavor as it passes through.
K-cups are disposable. Most people are looking at ways we can reduce the garbage on our planet. For green-conscious people, you can replace the k-cups with a universal reusable filter. This filter uses ground coffee beans. For the best brew, the beans should not be finely ground as they could slip through into your cup and spoil the taste and texture of the brew.
Most coffee aficionados can't get going until they have had their morning cup of coffee. With the Keurig coffee maker, that euphoria is just a minute away. Life is great when all is going well but come the morning when your coffee maker does not dish up that cup of Joe, and you can see your mood deteriorating. So what to do when your Keurig Coffee machine malfunctions? Load up this article on Keurig troubleshooting.
Keurig troubleshooting
The Keurig coffee machine consists of many components. Dismantling these components is easy. Many of the issues below will not require a technician, but you should always refer to the technician if these simple remedies do not work. If the problem that you are facing is not here, then a technician is your only resource.
Before phoning that tech try to establish as far as possible where the problem originates. When you isolate a problem, the technician will be able to hone in on a solution.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 1: A clogged Machine
You should do the following every three to six months, even if there are no evident clogs. A clean machine is a happy machine. A happy machine will dish up a cup of coffee that will bring a smile to your lips.
- Your first step in many of the troubleshooting methods is to unplug the machine.
- Make sure that the water in the reservoir is cold or just comfortably warm before you remove the reservoir. Any other temperature and you might end up with burns.
- Remove the drip tray.
- Remove the pod holder.
- Use liquid dishwashing soap to wash all the parts in hot water.
- If gentle washing does not remove the grime, scrub the parts with a damp cloth. Do not use any abrasive products.
- Check that no coffee grounds are hiding in any nooks and crannies. I find a kitchen toothbrush a useful implement.
- When the parts are dry, you can reassemble them.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 2: How Can I Reset My Keurig?
- Turn off the machine, unplug it, and wait a few minutes. This step is a standard first step for any electronic device.
- Remove the water reservoir (see above) and wait a few minutes
- Plug the machine in and switch it on.
- Attach the reservoir
- Open and close the K-cue holder.
If you get an error message after trying the above:
· check that everything is back where it should be
· check for dirty or damaged parts
Some of the computer parts may be malfunctioning. If all your checks do not solve the problem, you need to contact a repairman. Parts wear out and need to be replaced.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 3: What Is Wrong with My Keurig?
It turns on and off by itself.
A lot of models have an automatic brewing setting. You may have nudged this switch without realizing it. This switch is a nice feature if you want it to start brewing at the same time each day. Just imagine walking into the kitchen and grabbing that cup that is freshly brewed, seemingly untouched by human hands.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 4: My Keurig won't stop leaking
Try to establish where it is leaking
- If it is leaking from the cold water reservoir, it may need replacing. To check if it is the reservoir that is problematic:
- Make sure that the reservoir is installed correctly.
- Remove the reservoir and see if there is water underneath.
- Take the reservoir to the sink ad watch to see if it drips water.
If the reservoir is not leaking, the gasket may not be sitting correctly. The gasket is around the puncture needles, so be very careful when checking.

Keurig troubleshooting tip 5: My Keurig only brews a little bit of coffee.
It is likely clogged (already dealt with). You can try to clear the blockage by removing the k-cup and letting the machine go through its paces with just water. This will hopefully clear any blockages.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 6: My Keurig coffee tastes bad.
A clogged machine could be the reason for this. Whatever is clogging up your coffee maker may have leaked into your coffee cup. The newer models will let you know when to clean the machine. You should clean the machine every three to six months.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 7: My "Add More Water" message stays on.
The water may not be filled to the correct marker. The reservoir may need to be cleaned. If you have tried all these suggestions and nothing worked it is time to call the technician.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 8: My Keurig 2.0 won't turn on.
Check the obvious before calling a technician. Is it plugged in? Is the wall switch on? If these check out, then move the machine to another plug source and try again. Still no luck? Tekkie time!
Keurig troubleshooting tip 9: My Keurig keeps shutting off.
Check the reservoir magnet. You can also check timers and automatic features.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 10: My Keurig is making weird noises.
Yes, it does! If there are new sounds, clean your machine. If they are still audible, contact your Tekkie.
Keurig troubleshooting tip 11: My Keurig isn't heating.
Clogging issues, if not dealt with, can cause damage. The water pump or the heating system may be damaged. Your machine may need to be descaled (dealt with later.)
Keurig troubleshooting tip 12: My Keurig leaves coffee grounds in my cup.
Maybe the coffee in the K-cup is ground too finely, so some of the grains escape into your cup. Try a coarse ground coffee. There is a vast selection of coffees for the K-cup. Explore them until you find your favorite one (maybe three or four!)
Keurig troubleshooting tip 13: My Keurig dispenses too much coffee.
Check that the reservoir is firmly in place. Check that every part is where it should be and sit firmly in place. Once you have done that
· Use a measuring cup to dispense water into the reservoir. Run the machine with pure water. Check that the water you put in matches the water that came out.
· Are you using a water filter?
· Switch off and remove the wall plug.
· Clean the very sharp needles.
· And if all else fails, you know what to do – call the technician.
Cleaning and descaling are important steps to follow when you perceive something is not working well. Unless your coffee maker will not switch on, cleaning should be your first step. We explain descaling in the next section.
What is descaling, and why is it important?
Water contains chemicals and minerals which over time will leave deposits. These deposits can happen with any machine that uses water – kettles, irons, etc. This coating can affect the functionality of your coffee maker.
If there are deposits, your coffee taste could be compromised. Your coffee machine should be descaled frequently, particularly if you are experiencing functionality or taste issues. Descaling is pretty easy if you follow the steps below.
- Step 1: Switch the machine off.
- Step 2: Use the Keurig descaling solution if you have it. You can Google to get a recipe for a homemade descaling solution. Add the solution to the water reservoir.
- Step 3: Top up the reservoir with plain water.
- Step 4: Go through the brewing process.
- Step 5: Empty the mug that caught the brew.
- Step 6: Repeat until the "add water" light comes on.
- Step 7: After 30 minutes, you can wash the reservoir.
Descaling will keep the water in the tank clean and odor and taste-free. The only taste you should be experiencing is that cup of coffee.
My K-Cup
My K-Cup is a universal reusable filter that fits all Keurig machines. You do not have to only rely on the already prepared pods. Buy your favorite coffee beans and grind them yourself. Do not use a finely ground bean as this contributes to clogging. Freshly ground beans have a superior flavor. If you grind too many beans, make sure you store them as quickly as possible in an air-tight container as air affects the freshness of the beans.
- Open the filter basket
- Fill the basket with the ground coffee
- Cover the filter basket
- Take the k-cup holder out and replace it with the filter basket
- Lower the handle and decide on the brew size.
You should always clean the equipment after you have brewed your cup of coffee. Follow the steps outlined in cleaning a clogged machine.
Is the Keurig Machine Worth It?
What a difficult question. The answer depends on so many variables.
- Do you like an espresso cup? Then maybe this machine is not for you.
- Do you want your cup of coffee with the as little inconvenience as possible? Yes, this is the one for you.
- Are you looking for a varied coffee experience? Are you looking for an experience that explores many flavors? Yes? Then go for the Keurig.
- Do you want a consistently good cup of coffee? The Keurig has what you need.

- Do you want to brew coffee for the gang at one hit? The Keurig is probably not the best coffee maker for you.
- Do you find cleaning equipment laborious? Stay away from the Keurig
What is so special about a Keurig Coffee maker?
- Keurig coffee machines deliver your coffee in less than a minute.
- If you use the K-cups, you can get different flavored coffee. K-cups require very little preparation time.
- And now the kicker. You can use the Keurig to brew tea, hot chocolate, and iced coffee. If you can imagine a brew, I'm sure Keurig can do it.
Is a Keurig better than a regular coffee maker?
- We are not sure what you mean by a regular coffee maker. If you mean a drip coffee maker, then the Keurig is more expensive. The brew in the Keurig is ready long before a brew from a drip coffee maker.
- Keurig brews one cup at a time. Drip coffee makers make many cups at once.
- Automatic drip machines are versatile in quality, while Keurig is a single ecosystem.
Can Keurigs become moldy?
Yes, if you do not clean your machine regularly. Mold will affect the coffee maker's performance. It will also affect the flavor. It is also very unhealthy.
How long do Keurig Machines last?
It should last you about ten years if you take good care of it and clean it regularly.
Can you leave water in a Keurig?
Not really. It can cause the machine to build up deposits quickly. Stagnant water will encourage the growth of mold. It is always best to place the water in the reservoir each time you want a brew. The best water to use in the coffee maker is filtered water.
What to do with your Keurig when you go on vacation
Before leaving for vacation, clean it thoroughly and then descale it. Make sure all parts are dry before you reassemble them. When you get home, you will have to wait for that refreshing brew, especially if the coffee machine has been standing a long time. You will need to do a few cycles with pure water before you start your brew.
Does vinegar kill bacteria in a Keurig?
Yes, vinegar can be used to sanitize your coffee maker. Vinegar kills most bacteria and is a quick and cheap way to descale. It can leave a residual taste. This can be offset by dissolving baking soda in the water in the reservoir. Run this through the machine a few times. This mixture should dissolve any unpleasant odors or tastes.
Can I put bleach in my Keurig?
No, No, no. It is far too harsh for the machine. It is also a dangerous liquid. If traces are left in the machine, it could make you ill.
How do I know if my coffee maker has mold?
Hopefully, this will not be a problem if you clean and descale the machine frequently. If the coffee maker has been left on the shelf for a while, mold could develop. This is especially so if the parts were not dried completely before stashing them away.
What is the best Keurig to buy?
This is another question that depends on personal taste and lifestyle. The price of the unit will also be an important deciding factor. No matter which one you buy, you will have access to all the delectable k-cup flavors.
And now for the last points.
If you are unable to troubleshoot your particular problem, there are technicians available at customer support. Before you contact customer support, try to isolate the problem as much as you can. It will help the technician diagnose your problem. A clean coffee maker creates a happy coffee drinker. Descale and clean frequently. This should always be your first step. Just remember to unplug the appliance before dismantling the parts.
It seems that once you have owned a Keurig coffee maker, you will not be satisfied with any other machine on the market. The owners of the Keurig machine love the simplicity of design and operation. There is a lot of support on the internet for Keurig owners. The support is vibrant. People share tips and strategies. So if you are experiencing problems, you might find the answer in these groups.
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